Grammar Project

; Semi-Colon


A semicolon is like a relationship there’s the one partner that
tells the whole story but the other partner adds on to what his partner missed
out on.


Although you might enjoy smoking, chances are you’ll enjoy being a non-smoker much more

:  Colon


The colon is the pause you make before you start listing out your thoughts
or answers.


I only have one thing in my mind: help my mom quit smoking.

– Em dashes


an em dash places a thought that you came up with from the blue
into your sentece with no problem and than continues with what you were talking
about at first


My mother smokes – which she started at age 15 – but she will stop
smoking soon.

( )  Parenthesis


Parenthesis are like a secret, you dont want any one to know.


Adolescents 2 to 3 times more likely to quit or not even start smoking when the price of cigarettes rise. (US Department of Health and Human Services. Reducing Tobacco Use: A Report of the Surgeon General)


w/ Additional Clauses


The comma just is a hook up to the dependent and independent clause for them to stick together.


The greatest idea anyone had was inventing the electrical cigarette, but it still
isnt as good as not smoking

w/ Parenthetical Elements


A comma with additional parenthetical elements gives a lot of information in one
little sentece.


above all, she continued smoking, but taught her kids not to follow her footsteps.



by using commas with series it makes you sentece more flowly and helps you avoind using ands. instead use semicolons and commas.


The first time I spent winter here I liked it but through the years im starting to dislike it; your always cold, you have to be rapped in thousands of sheets of clothing making you feel like a walking marshmallow, its hard to move

w/ Quotation Marks


A comma in quotation marks indicate a stop to a begining of a quote or some one elses thoughts


My question to her was, “Are you thinking of quitting anytime soon?” she quickly responded, “I dont think so, the cigarette and smoking to me is like a good friend. It’s always by my side when ever I need it – it never leaves me by myself.”

“Quotation Marks”


Quotations are a way of not stealing others words that they have said, wrote, or quoted.


A good quote I found was “The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react” (George Bernard Shaw).

The book I skimmed thru was “The Thruth About Smoking” by Robert N. Golden

‘ Apostrophes


Apostrophes can be the marking of an omission of one or more letters, a possession of a case, and a marking of a plural. makes us able to read the sentece better.


 I’m just afraid of losing her because of it. 

… Ellipses


An ellipses is used to keep a sentence short and having your point shown with out having the extra words bothering.


“Most teenagers don’t know exactly what they get into . . . It all starts with peer pressure . . . .”

[ ] Brackets


“Of course [hija], go ahead.” I began with taking out my paper to doc down notes to remember and began my interview.


brackets are like adding a little spice to your sentence or an accessory to your outfit, just for looks.

Capital Letters


Title case; always capitalize the first word of the title or the subtitle dont capitalize conjuctions such as and, but, etc…, articles such as: a, an, the, etc… and prepositions in, on, over. Also proper nouns such as people, places, or things


This topic hits home for me. My mother smokes – which she started at age 15 – but she will stop smoking soon

Italics and Underlining


Italics are used for titles of books, movies, magazines, television shows, etc other reason it may be used it to give the word or phrase emphasis.


Would you like to know how much you are spending in buying your cigarettes? click here for <em>Smoking Cost Calculator</em>.



Fragments make your question to be answered in a short answer but giving the correct answer.

Are you ready to quit smoking for good? It’s simple.

Comma Splices

Definition: Comma Splices are used as uniting. When you find the person that has the same chemistry as you, you want to get to know that person more.


List your reasons, Ask yourself questions, START your smoking plan



Hyphens are used for unity and separation of a word. all in one


Which she started at 15 – years – old

En dashes


En dash is used for periods of times or also used in place of a hyphen when combining open compounds.


Ana, My mom, has been smoking for about 37 years and has tried quitting about 3–5 times.

123 Numbers

Definition: When using a number it depends on the type of paper your writting and also just leave it on one type of way when you start it dont mix them up.


She smokes about a pack a day, costing her about $7.00 per pack

Abbr. Abbreviations

Definition: abbreviations vary widely by the different types of style. some are used with paranthesis or commas some are not. it gives us a different way to say soemthing but in a shorter verision.


Anticipate and plan for the challenges you’ll face ask yourself questions

     *e.g., questions you may ask yourself.

do you feel the need to smoke at every meal?

when do you find yourself smoking more?

are you interested in getting into a fitness program? (a healthier addiction)

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